Medical Student Scholarship Program
The medical school URACCAN (University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast) was founded by and for the indigenous peoples of the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua and was the first intercultural community college in Latin America. There are schools located throughout the Atlantic Coast with one near to the town of Puerto Cabezas.
In 2008 URACCAN University responded to the need to establish a medical program that would combine ancient and traditional knowledge with modern medicine. URACCAN became the first university to train intercultural physicians.
Students in the school of Intercultural Medicine are pioneers in the field and view their study as essential to the medical service needed by the people they serve. They are taught to take seriously the traditional healing methods of indigenous people. Previously, doctors who did not understand natural practices of native people were unable to influence their patients to accept modern medical methods.
URACCAN University is committed to the service of people in need, appreciates the intercultural richness of indigenous peoples, and is strong in its desire to educate women.
The people we are in close contact with are is Doctora Ivania Lopez Calero, the director of the medical school,Dr Florence Levy, advisor to the scholarship program and Anna Lucia Aleman executive director Center for Autonomy and Development of
Indigenous Peoples CADPi
Palliative Care Program in the Community
We are actively supporting a palliative care nurse Alice Remirez RN.
She makes home visits in the community of Puerto Cabezas. We provide her with a salary and reimburse her for the cost of the medicine that she administers. She has been an angel to so many families for the past twenty years and is always willing to go out no matter what the hour.Se would like to expand this program with finding another nurse to help with coverage.
Past Projects

Bilwas Medical Outreach in the ten villages in Rio Cocco region
Well and sanitation projects in the Rio Cocco region
Establishment of EMS in Puerto Cabesas
Volunteer Quarters / Warehouse / Learning center for community lectures
Hospital Amanacer de Enfemera Nancy Bach
Transportation of Patients for medical attention in Managua
Provide Medical Supplies to the following hospitals
Hospital Nuevo Amanecer, Puerto Cabezas
Polyclinica Bilwaskarma in Bilwaskarma, Rio Coco
Moravian Clinic in Ahuas, Honduras
General Surgery, Ophthalmology and Dental clinics.
Transportation to Maine, for children in need of cardiac surgery
Training including Operating Room Nurses, Laboratory, Anesthesia and X-ray.
Shipping of roughly 30,000 lbs. of supplies and materials annually to the region.
Establishment breast milk bank
Mercury contamination study in Siuna
H.Pylori project
Creation of a Burn Unit.